by HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign | Jul 26, 2017 | Articles
“Strategies that promote healthy food and active living also can stimulate the local economy. Learn three ways to stimulate your economy and your citzens’ health.” Read the full article HERE! What does a body (and an economy) good? By Susan...
by HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign | Jul 7, 2017 | Articles
Active Healthy Seniors Create a Better Future by Susan DeFrancesco and Clara Richards “Older Americans are working longer, trying new things, and engaging in their communities. Municipal and county leaders can harness the ideas and vigor of the older adults in...
by HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign | Jul 1, 2017 | Articles
Let’s Walk and Talk By Susan DeFrancesco “Every City Wants a healthy workforce. It reduces health care costs, increases productivity, and improves morale. Recognizing that healthy people work in healthy places, municipalities are examining their workplace...
by HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign | May 4, 2017 | Articles
A place that’s fit to live in By Susan DeFrancesco “From community gardens to bike-friendly streets, city planners and local officials play a vital role in designing a community that supports healthy lifestyles. Planning intentionally for an active community is...
by HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign | May 3, 2017 | Articles
What are you feeding your employees? By Susan DeFrancesco “Municipal Workers who want to eat healthier need wholesome food choices where they work. Municipalities can create healthier food environments for their residents and government employees through...
by HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign | Sep 1, 2016 | Articles
Closer to My Grocer: Food deserts and the campaign for the Virginia Grocery Investment Fund By Allie Atkeson “From the busy cities to remote rural areas, 1.7 million Virginians live in low income areas with limited supermarket access. The health consequences are...