Updated October 2017
The HEAL resolution has been a catalyst in our organization and in our community for a wide spectrum of activities, programs, and education all designed to improve community health.
— Williamsburg Mayor Paul Freiling
Since passing a HEAL resolution in February 2013, the City of Williamsburg has risen to the highest rank of the HEAL Cities and Towns Campaign recognition process through the City’s active engagement with the HEAL Campaign and the City’s enthusiasm to provide healthier options for residents. Williamsburg outlined these goals in its resolution where the City resolved to “promote active living through the built environment…. implement a workplace health and wellness program… and promote access to healthy food.” Williamsburg HEAL resolution, 2013. Each of these goals includes targeted activities and strategies to facilitate a healthier community where residents eat better and move more. Throughout these past few years, the City of Williamsburg has been working to achieve all eighteen goals outlined in their resolution. These include the founding of a new Health and Wellness Committee to support employee wellness for municipal workers, creating new walkable areas through goals in its Comprehensive Plan, establishing a Supplemental Nutrition Program at the farmers market, and more. In 2016, the City of Williamsburg achieved the HEAL Campaign’s Platinum recognition, the highest HEAL recognition level.
Further information on Williamsburg’s HEAL Campaign can be found in the September edition of Virginia Town and City: The Picture of Health by Susan DeFrancesco. Find the article here.