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Why Communities Need HEAL

Our health is shaped by the places in which we live, learn, work, play, and age. These conditions have a profound impact on how healthy we will be over the course of our lives. Our day-to-day routines are influenced by our environments.
For example…

  • When the closest store doesn’t sell fresh, healthy ingredients, it’s more convenient to get takeout than prepare a nutritious dinner.
  • When the stairwell is locked, the elevator is the easiest way to get up to the office.
  • When playgrounds are closed after school hours, children choose video games rather than playing outside.

These are consequences of policies and practices. These may seem small and subtle, but over time these consequences add up. For example, policies and practices that keep stairwells in City Hall unlocked allow employees to take the stairs. Spending 3 minutes taking the stairs a few times a day may be easier than scheduling a daily 30-minute gym session.

The HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign is important for local government leaders.

Local governments work to create livable, prosperous communities – places where people want to live, work, raise families, and age. HEAL policies and practices affect livability and prosperity by improving both physical environments and the fiscal health of a community. The HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign actively supports government leaders to adopt and implement local policies and practices that create environments that promote healthy eating and physical activity, in order to help make the healthier choice the easier choice for residents and municipal employees.

Get Involved

Benefits of Joining

  • Presentations at City Council meetings/work sessions.
  • Technical assistance including fact sheets, model policies and practices, policy assessments and menus, and strategies for successful policy/practices adoption and implementation.
  • Trainings and webinars.
  • HEAL Cities & Towns staff working with municipal staff in-person or over the phone.
  • Marketing materials, including use of Campaign logo.
  • Recognition at Municipal League events.

What We Do

The HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign helps municipal leaders:

  • See their role in shaping healthy communities.
  • Assess their municipalities physical activity and food environments.
  • Identify specific policy and practice goals to improve physical activity and food environments.
  • See their role in shaping healthy communities.

Our Team

Sydney Daigle

Sydney Daigle

Julia Groenfeldt

Julia Groenfeldt

Our Partners

Kaiser Permanente logo
The Maryland Municipal League logo
Virginia Municipal League logo